Cologne, 2015
Modern women are involved in the variety of canons and conventions. The world ‚Cinderella‘ is an ironic adaptation and, at the same time, denunciation of the canonised stereotype of female beauty. The title „Cinderella“ alludes to the age-denying notion of the concept, the myth of her eternal youth and her innocence, widening the image of a “princess” to an elderly female physique and constituting an ironic dismissal of the stereotype of a canonized and popular beauty ideal. Thereby, my ‚Cinderella‘ undertakes a poetic journey, discovering female body, which is no longer sought-after by publicity strategists or childhood imagination, forcing the viewer to deal with a form of beauty, which is hidden from our everyday lives.
In our society, aging of a woman’s body is downright tabooed. Contradicting that attitude, “Cinderella” highlights that a woman restricted by age. Skilfully handling the vulnerability and fragility the oldened body, it is demonstrated that age is wearable; a pleading for the assertion of the form in the face of impermanence. In everyday life the transistorize of the body is covered up by fashion. However, the most authentic fashion is being nude, in a heavenly innocence. I would argue femininity.
Although the exterior shows marks of a life lived, the soul remains refreshingly young and stormy. Ready for anything.